Will at TMT has been very helpful, providing all of the information necessary in planning my stay. The camp offers several training facilities (see tour video and website below), a dining area, and living quarters, of which I am taking full advantage. Together with the Bungalow, a food card for the TIGER GRILL, a motorcycle (say a prayer for me), unlimited training, and a 10-private-lesson card, the grand total rounds out to $1000CDN/month. That may seem steep, but to put that into perspective, my rent, all things considered, is $700/month, with training over $150, and food tipping the scales considerably. Will has told me that a Thai meal runs about 60-100 Baht, which rounds out to less than $3, music to my insatiable appetite.
For the next 2 months I will be training under the tutelage of "Magical" Ray Elbe, an accomplished MMA fighter, sporting an impressive 22-11 MMA record. His camp has played host to many established MMA fighters and of late has been the training location for Mike 'Quick' Swick prior to his UFC 85 victory of Marcus Davis (what a fight). Ray has guaranteed a fight for me within the 9 weeks that I am a guest at the camp. This time will build upon my rudimentary knowledge of all things MMA and will beat me into shape; I'm no glutton for pain, but I do intend to make the most of this foray into MMA and all things Thai.
Monday-Friday, the day begins bright and early with a yoga session starting at 7:00am sharp; if so inclined, guests can join the fighters on a 3-7km jog in and around the hills of Phuket after 1/2 hour (might be a fine way to get to know the area); shortly thereafter, training begins. TMT offers twice-a-day muay thai and MMA sessions, so it is up to the guests discretion which to choose. Within each type of class, several classes are held based on skill, fitness, and experience. The TMT staff has told me that Ray Elbe will be the one planning my training routine and I intend to implicitly follow his instructions); he is, after all, the man with the MMA plan. After warm-up, drilling, conditioning, and techniques for 2-3 hours, it's time to relax until the whole operation is repeated in the afternoon beginnning at 4:00pm.
Between sessions, the facility offers a wide array of fitness equipment and fully stocked weight lifting facility (kettlebells!). Recently, the 'Thai Hulk' a well-known body builder has joined the ranks of TMT and I intend to take on one of his intense training regimes. Moreover, with a wealth of knowledge at the camp, having over 30 trainers, some being well decorated muay thai and MMA champs, the camp offers affordable private sessions. I have arranged a 10-session pass which works out to less than $10 per 1.5 hour private session; to put that into perspective, the equivalent in Canada would come at no less than $50, with some fighters charging several hundred dollars for a single 1-on-1 lesson. Nonetheless, each standard group lesson provides enough trainers so the 1:1 ratio is maintained at all times. This is a big change from my days at GAMMA in Montreal where Fabio Holanda would have classes of 20+ to himself (though I will miss training along side George St-Pierre and David 'The Crow' L'oiseau).
With that said, I'll leave you with the video tour of the TMT facility, guided by none other than Ray Elbe. I hope to update you with more information about the trip and the camp itself as my trip approaches/progresses. Hopefully I'll have enough time to post on here, but between zipping through traffic on my new thai motorcycle and flexing with the thai hulk, I may not!
Ok, I saw no one had commented yet & I wanted to change that. Now I know what you have been doing all this time in your room. You really planned this shit out didn't you? It looks a hell of alot nicer then our apartment! Plus you'll have a maid & I bet she'll be hot. But remember to treat her nice Matt or else she might do nasty things to your pillow. Pick up some good recipes well your down there too Ok?
Well... that's quiet interessting but honestly i have a hard time determining it... wonder how others think about this..
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